Wednesday 28 May 2014

Samoan Language Week!

Samoan Language Week!!!
This week is Samoan language week and the children have been greeting me by saying Talofa Mrs Gibson!
Today we learnt this lovely Samoan song Le 'Aute'
Click on our photo to hear us sing our song!


  1. Fantastic singing Room 7. Great looking tapa cloths you are making.
    Mrs Banks

  2. I like your song on the blog that your class did outside because the class is all singing at the same time . from Zanya from the Terrific Tuis.

    1. Thank you Zanya but we only took the photo outside we sang inside!!!

  3. Great singing room 7 rockers! Emer would like to know how many songs you know in Samoan? We think you were drawing turtles on your art work. Can you tell us why turtles are important to the Samoan culture?

    1. Hi Emer no at this stage that is the only song we know but we might learn another one because it's fun learning new songs especially in a different language!!
      In Samoan folktales, sea turtles were believed to have the power to save fishermen who were lost at sea by bringing them safely to shore. The sea turtles were drawn by the girls and the sharks by the boys!!
      Thanks Emer!

  4. Great singing room 7.
    from Coco

  5. Hi Room 7,

    Room 5 and I watched your imovie's today in class and loved them.
    The children wondered if you could maybe sing it to the school in assembly tomorrow!

    Miss Tyrrell
